hi, hello, sup
Just to clarify, it’s taken me approximately 5 years to have the lady balls to sit down and write this for the world to read.
Not that I have all the secrets to life really, but it has truly taken me that long to decide that my voice is worth sharing. I found myself overthinking the reactions this would receive, and the time suck it would have in my day-to-day life. I thought of the spam emails I would get saying “GET MORE FOLLOWERS FOR YOUR BLOG WITH THIS TRICK”.
But those thoughts are wrong. Reactions: who cares. Time suck: no way José, I am constantly speaking to myself about these stories in my head but I was too chicken shit to ink it and let them exist in real life. And story: mine is pretty unique, all things considered.
I was born in Ala-fucking-bama for God’s sake. I moved to NYC with one friend, one couch to crash on and no job. Four years later, I had built a career in art direction, filmed a feature length film with my friends and colleagues, and had met the love of my life. And now I am three blocks from the beach in sunny San Diego, California, trying my hand at freelance life (and dog mommy life).
So in summation, this isn’t a blog about hand crafts, this isn’t a blog about being an artist for hire (and by proxy, an entrepreneur), this isn’t a blog about dating a fine dining chef. This isn’t a blog about being a Southerner that’s been thrown into new worlds.
It’s all of those things. Hi.