hi, hello, sup


Just to clarify, it’s taken me approximately 5 years to have the lady balls to sit down and write this for the world to read.

Not that I have all the secrets to life really, but it has truly taken me that long to decide that my voice is worth sharing. I found myself overthinking the reactions this would receive, and the time suck it would have in my day-to-day life. I thought of the spam emails I would get saying “GET MORE FOLLOWERS FOR YOUR BLOG WITH THIS TRICK”.

But those thoughts are wrong. Reactions: who cares. Time suck: no way José, I am constantly speaking to myself about these stories in my head but I was too chicken shit to ink it and let them exist in real life. And story: mine is pretty unique, all things considered.

I was born in Ala-fucking-bama for God’s sake. I moved to NYC with one friend, one couch to crash on and no job. Four years later, I had built a career in art direction, filmed a feature length film with my friends and colleagues, and had met the love of my life. And now I am three blocks from the beach in sunny San Diego, California, trying my hand at freelance life (and dog mommy life).

So in summation, this isn’t a blog about hand crafts, this isn’t a blog about being an artist for hire (and by proxy, an entrepreneur), this isn’t a blog about dating a fine dining chef. This isn’t a blog about being a Southerner that’s been thrown into new worlds.

It’s all of those things. Hi.

Julia H.

Julia Hoven

Creative Director, Knitter, Eater of Cheese

I was born and raised in Alabama, spent some time in NYC cutting my teeth as an art director, and now reside in California with my husband and extremely clingy Mini Australian Shepherd.


All-Time Favorite Yarns